White Tiger

When did Moon Knight Stop Wearing a Cape

“El Tigre Blanco!”

Yell anything in Spanish and it sounds badass. “Los pasteles de mono!” Or, in English, “monkey cakes.” The internets: a place for learning.

This week’s false idol is ’70s Kung-Fu mofo Hector Ayala, better known as the original White Tiger.

The ’70s comic book landscape:

“We’re creating the first ever Puerto Rican comic book superhero!”

“Puerto Rican…? Not marketable.”

“How about if we cover him head-to-toe so no skin is showing…?”


“And we, uh, we put ‘white’ in his name…?”


George Pérez designed the White Tiger…? I had no idea. Thank you, Wiki. I’ve always been a fan of the sleek, simplistic look of the Tiger’s outfit–it stood out from the pack, led me to becoming a fan–and now I know why. Freakin’ George Pérez…outside of Jack Kirby, has any one artist created more A+ superhero costumes? That guy’s as talented as his shirts are loud.

Ingredients: All parts used to mod this badboy were HeroClix figures. Base body is Symbiote Spider-Man (Sinister), his right hand was lifted from Sidewinder (Ultimates) and the chimney was swiped from Robin (Icons). Costume trimmings (boot straps, necklace, left glove & eyes) are bits of index card shaped by x-acto, held in place by a pin-prick of Elmer’s and then hardened by an itty-bitty drip of Krazy Glue. Acrylic paint pulled it together and a light coat of spray matte took it home. Custom White Tiger dial here.

In the proud tradition of my custom figures, White Tiger’s debut game saw him annihilated in the first few turns. It happened so quick I don’t even remember who did the deed. Power Pack maybe? A custom HeroClix of that Bird-Brain guy from old school New Mutants…? I’m sure it was a worthy foe.

Other White Tiger stuff from around the web:

100% badass Deadly Hands of Kung-Fu cover gallery. Painted covers starring ‘Tiger, Shang-Chi, Iron Fist…you really should click that link. Custom Marvel Legend White Tiger, in packaging yet! Another White Tiger custom action figure (scroll down a bit). Cool stuff all, but how come no one’s ever done a White Tiger-themed coloring book?