Old Gregg

One part Sigmund, one part Family Guy’s Quagmire, one part downstairs mix-up. He’s Old Gregg, the Mighty Boosh escapee who haunts the waters of Black Lake and…actually, words won’t do this justice. Grab yourself a nice, creamy Bailey’s, sit back and check this out.

…so you either found that hilarious and ended up watching the entire thing OR you’ve made a mental note to stop clicking the links from this blog. Me, I think Old Gregg is 100% pure awesome nonsense. Bored one night, I fired up the DVR, got caught up on Celebrity Rehab and cobbled together my own scaly little man-fish.

A talanted artist, Gregg works exclusively in water colors. And in mounting corpses on his wall as a warning to others.

Littered at his feet? More water colors, this time of Bailey’s (smooth & creamy) and the Funk.


Ingredients: His legs are courtesy Marrina (Armor Wars), the skirt is from Supergirl (Unleashed), upper body from Nick Fury (Sinister) and his head is Pete Wisdom (M&M). Necktie and hair are thin strips of index card paper held in place with a pinprick of Elmer’s and hardened by a drip of Krazy Glue. The Funk’s face is a Skrull Commando (Clobberin’ Time) attached to a random whittled HeroClix torso, teets courtesy of several pairs of Chameleon feet (Unleashed). His watercolors—one of which is as close as you can get to Bailey’s without your eyes getting wet—are small strips of index card paper (three sheets thick) hardened by Krazy Glue. Acrylic paint, a spritz of matte sealant and it’s time to play some games…some love games. Custom Gregg dial here.

"Me mutant power is a downstairs mix-up."

Old Gregg vs. Donkey Kong

And that’s that. Want more man-fish? Check out the top 10 funkiest Old Gregg things from around the web…

10. The Old Gregg Soundboard

9. No Country for Old Gregg

8. Bailey’s Dispenser

7. Old Gr-Eggs

6. Tagged by the Man-Fish!

5. ‘Twilight’ just got funky

4. Halloween costume. And, apparently, caffeine.

3. Cake

2. Cuddle with Gregg

1. The Return of Gregg (Live)

BONUS: Old Gregg doll